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Add a custom ChaosHub

This section describes the reasons for adding a custom ChaosHub and how to add and connect a custom ChaosHub.

Reasons to add a custom ChaosHub

There are several reasons for adding a custom ChaosHub. A custom hub lets you:

  • Add custom experiments suited to specific needs in your organization.

  • Share your experiments with others in your Harness project or in other Harness projects—you can add the same custom hub(s) to many projects.

  • Maintain and upgrade experiments in one place so those you share your hubs with always have the latest version.

  • Provide secure access to your custom experiments.

Prerequisites to add a custom ChaosHub

  1. Ensure you have a Git repository for your custom ChaosHub, where you will store experiments and faults. The repository must include two folders: experiments and faults. Here's an example repo:

    Private Hub

  2. Generate a personal access token from GitHub to access and sync your repository with Harness. The token must have at least the repo scope.

    GitHub New personal access token (classic) screen

Add a custom ChaosHub

To add a custom ChaosHub:

  1. In your Harness project, navigate to the Chaos > ChaosHubs, and then select + New ChaosHub.

  2. Enter a Name for the hub and, optionally, add a Description and Tags.

  3. Select Continue.

  4. On the Git Connection screen, add a new Git connector to access and sync your repository with Harness.

    Git Connection screen

    1. Select the field ChaosHub Connector. This displays existing Git connectors listed under separate tabs for Project, Organization, and Account scopes.

      Existing Connectors

    2. Select New Connector, and then choose GitHub Connector.

    3. In the Overview screen, enter a Name and optional description and tags, and then select Continue.

      The Details screen is displayed.

      Add Connector Details

    4. In the Details screen, for URL Type, select Repository.

      You can select Account instead if you want to create an account-scoped GitHub connector. This may be used for connecting multiple ChaosHubs from a single GitHub account.

    5. For Connection Type, select HTTP.

    6. In GitHub Repository URL, enter the URL of your custom ChaosHub repository.

      If you selected Account for URL Type, fill out these fields instead:

      • In GitHub Account URL, enter the account URL for your custom ChaosHub repository.

      • In Test Repository, enter any repository name from your GitHub account to validate the connection.

    7. Select Continue.

      The Credentials screen is displayed.

      Credentials screen

  5. On the Credentials screen, enter the Username (in plain text) for authenticating with your GitHub repo.

  6. In Personal Access Token, select Create or Select a Secret.

    This displays all the secrets in separate tabs for Project, Organization, and Account scopes.

    Add Secret

  7. Select New Secret Text.

    New Secret

  8. In the Add new Encrypted Text screen, fill out the fields as follows:

    1. In Secret Name, enter a name for this secret.

    2. In Secret Value, enter a personal access token (PAT) generated from GitHub.

      Ensure that the token has at least a repo scope.

  9. Select Save, and then on the Credentials screen, select Continue.

    Add Credentials

    This adds your GitHub repo connector and initializes the PAT for authentication.

  10. In the Connect to provider screen, select Connect through Harness Platform, and then select Save and Continue.

    This starts a connection test, which validates that Harness is able to access the Git repository with the given configuration.

    GitHub Connection Test

  11. When the test is successful, select Finish.

    The Git Connection screen is displayed.

    Git Connection

  12. In Hub Repository Branch, enter the repository branch in which the ChaosHub files exist.

  13. Select Connect Hub, and then select Finish.

    Your new custom ChaosHub appears in the ChaosHubs page.


To share your custom ChaosHub with another Harness project, add the hub to the other project, using the same procedure above.

Next steps

Now you can add and launch experiments in your custom ChaosHub, or add YAML fault and experiment definitions directly in your ChaosHub GitHub repo, and then sync it with Harness. Head to Manage custom ChaosHub for details.