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What's supported

This topic lists the supported CD features and integrations you can use in Harness for deploying and verifying your apps.

For a comprehensive list that includes all Harness modules, go to Supported platforms and technologies.

Platform features for all deployment types

Access control

Role-based access control (RBAC) lets you control who can access your resources and what actions they can perform on the resources. To do this, a Harness account administrator assigns resource-related permissions to members of user groups.

Secrets management

Harness includes a built-in Secret Management feature that enables you to store encrypted secrets, such as access keys, and use them in your Harness connectors and pipelines.

In addition to the built-in Secret Manager, Harness Platform supports the cloud platform secrets management services in the following table.

Provider NameKey Encryption SupportEncrypted Data Stored with HarnessSupport for Referencing Existing Secrets
AWS Secret ManagerYesNoYes
Hashicorp VaultYesNoYes
Azure Key VaultYesNoYes
Google KMSYesYesNo

For more information, go to Harness Secrets Management overview.


Harness packages and distributes delegates on different types of images. Delegate images are identified by the delegate name. Image types are distinguished by tag.

Delegate-Legacy End of Support (EOS) notice

This is an End of Support (EOS) notice for the Delegate-Legacy image type. This image type reached End of Support (EOS) as of January 31, 2024.

End of Support means the following:

  • Harness Support will no longer accept support requests for the Delegate-Legacy image type in both Harness FirstGen and Harness NextGen (including Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition (SMP)).
  • Security fixes will still be addressed.
  • Product defects will not be addressed.
Image typeImage tagImage description release year, month, and version in dot-separated format. Supported on both NextGen and FirstGen Harness Platform. minimal tag is appended to the release year, month, and version in dot-separated format. Supported on both NextGen and FirstGen Harness Platform.
DELEGATE-LEGACYlatestDelegate that auto upgrades with no flexibility to turn off auto upgrade (DEPRECATED)


The following table lists the supported Authentication features and various ways to authenticate users. Users in Administrator groups can use Authentication Settings to restrict access to an organization's Harness account. The options you choose apply to all of your account's users.

For more information, go to Authentication overview.

SSO TypeSSO ProvidersAuthentication SupportedAuthorization (Group Linking) SupportedSCIM Provisioning
SAML 2.0OktaYesYesYes
Microsoft Entra IDYesYesYes
OAuth 2.0GithubYesNoN/A
LDAP (Delegate connectivity needed)Active DirectoryComing soonComing soonN/A
Open LDAPComing soonComing soonN/A
Oracle LDAPComing soonComing soonN/A


Git experience

Harness Git Experience allows you to store your resource configurations, such as pipelines and input sets, in Git.

Supported Git providers for Harness Git Sync include:

  • GitHub
  • Bitbucket Cloud
  • Bitbucket Server
  • Azure Repos
  • GitLab

You can save the following Harness resources (entities) in Git using Harness Git Experience:

  • Pipelines
  • Input sets
  • Templates
  • Services
  • Environments
  • Infrastructure Definitions

Artifact Source templates are not supported with Git Experience.

Accounts, orgs, projects

The following table lists the resources that are available at various scopes in Harness:

Git ManagementNoNoYes
SMTP ConfigurationYesNoNo
Audit TrailYesYesYes
  • Overview:

  • Supported connectors for deployment:

    • Kubernetes connector
      • Username and password
      • Client key and secret
      • OIDC authentication
      • Kubernetes service account
      • Assume role binding on delegate configuration
    • Google Cloud connector (GKE authentication)
      • Service Account
      • Google Cloud Role on Delegate
      • Workload Identity
    • Azure Cloud Connector (AKS Authentication)
      • Subscription Id
      • Principal and Service Account
      • GovCloud Support
    • AWS Cloud Connector (EKS Authentication)
      • IRSA
      • Access Key and Secret Key
      • IAM Role
      • GovCloud Support
  • Supported platforms for deployment:

    • Self Hosted Kubernetes
    • Google Kubernetes Engine
    • Azure Kubernetes Engine
    • AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service
    • Red Hat OpenShift
  • Versions and tooling support:

    • Kubectl Client Versions:
      • 1.16
      • 1.28.7
      • We support what each of the Cloud Providers support. We recommend users to keep their binary versions up to date.
      • By default, Harness ships with kubectl client - 1.24.3
      • Harness has certified versions 1.25, 1.26, 1.27, and 1.28.7 of kubectl. You must install the respective client version of the delegate for Harness to leverage it.
    • Tooling:
      • OpenShift - oc client binary
      • Kustomize - kustomize binary
      • Helm - Helm 3.12 and 2.8 binary.
      • Helm 3.8 can be supported via feature flag.
  • Limitations:

    • Helm:
      • Helm Hooks are not supported for this swimlane. Harness manages and orchestrates the manifests and their release.
      • Kustomize:
        • Kustomize Patches are only supported in YAML, not JSON
        • Kustomize Containerized Plugins are not supported
        • Kustomize manifests and patches do not support the custom remote manifest feature.
      • Harness managed resources:
        • Deployment
        • Secrets
        • ConfigMap
        • StatefulSet
        • HorizontalPodAutoScalar
        • PodDisruptionBudget
  • Deployment Performance

    • Helm deployments might start failing at the delegate due to a large index.yaml files. This causes a CPU spike on the delegate. If you do not provide enough resources to the delegate, you might see failures in pipeline executions.
    • Certified Limits:
      • Index.yaml file size limit 15Mb
      • 5000 Helm charts have been deployed
      • Kubernetes delegate size: 8GB, 2 CPU
      • 10 parallel deployments
  • Supported integrations:

    • Traffic Shifting for Advanced Deployment Strategies:
      • Istio
      • Nginx Ingress Controller
    • All manifest type sources for fetching Kubernetes resources:
      • Github
      • Gitlab
      • Bitbucket
      • Custom Remote Source Repository
      • Harness Local File Store
    • For Helm Chart Type Manifests we also support:
      • Generic Git Provider
      • Google Cloud Storage
      • Amazon S3 Storage
      • Helm OCI Repository (ACR, ECR, GAR, Artifactory)
      • Helm HTTP Server Repository (Nexus, Artifactory)
    • Artifact repository supported to deploy with manifest:
      • DockerHub
      • Amazon Elastic Container Registry
      • Google Container Registry
      • Azure Container Registry
      • Custom Artifact Source
      • Google Artifact Registry
      • Github Package Registry
      • Nexus 3 (Sonatype 3.50.0 and previous supported)
      • Artifactory

For details on what you can deploy, go to What Can I Deploy in Kubernetes?.

Kubernetes version support

The following versions are tested and supported for Kubernetes Canary, Rolling, and Blue/Green deployments:

  • 1.13.0
  • 1.14.0
  • 1.15.0
  • 1.16.0
  • 1.17.0
  • 1.18.0
  • 1.19.4
  • 1.20.0
  • 1.21.0
  • 1.22.0
  • 1.23.0
  • 1.24.3
  • 1.24.9
  • 1.25.6
  • 1.26.0
  • 1.27.0

For details on other tools and versions included in Harness, see Delegate-required SDKs.


  • Harness will officially support 3 previous versions from the last stable release. For example, the current most recent stable release is 1.25.6, and so Harness supports 1.24, 1.23, and 1.22.
  • Harness supports any other versions of Kubernetes you are using on a best effort basis.
  • Harness commits to support new minor versions within 3 months of the first stable release. For example, if the stable release of 1.25.6 occurs on April 15th, we will support it for compatibility by July 15th.

Helm notes

Helm chart dependencies are not supported in Git source repositories. Helm chart dependencies are supported in Helm Chart Repositories.

Azure AKS clusters

To use an AKS cluster for deployment, the AKS cluster parameter disableLocalAccounts can be set either true or false.

Native Helm
  • Overview:
  • Supported connectors for deployment:
    • Kubernetes Connector
      • Username + Password
      • Client Key and Secret
      • OIDC Authentication
      • Kubernetes Service Account
      • Assume Rolebinding on Delegate Configuration
    • Google Cloud Connector (GKE Authentication)
      • Service Account
      • Google Cloud Role on Delegate
      • Workload Identity
    • Azure Cloud Connector (AKS Authentication)
      • Subscription ID
      • Principal and Service Account
      • GovCloud Support
    • AWS Cloud Connector (EKS Authentication)
      • IRSA
      • Access Key and Secret Key
      • IAM Role
      • GovCloud Support
  • Supported platforms for deployment:
    • Self Hosted Kubernetes
    • Google Kubernetes Engine
    • Azure Kubernetes Engine
    • AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service
    • Red Hat OpenShift
  • Versions and tooling support:
    • Helm Client Versions: 2.8 - 3.8
    • We support what each of the Cloud Providers support, we recommend users to keep their binary versions up to date
    • By default Harness ships with helm client 3.12.
    • Tooling:
      • OpenShift - oc client binary
      • Kustomize - kustomize binary
      • Helm - Helm 3.12 & 2.8 binary. Helm 3.8 can be supported via feature flag.
  • Limitations:
    • Helm 2 is deprecated so there is limited support for Helm 2.
    • Helm 3 is now the default for Harness Helm Chart Deployments.
    • Helm Plugins are not supported
    • Only Basic Deployment Strategy supported (No Canary or Blue-Green Support Out of the box)
  • Supported integrations:
    • Manifest Sources for fetching Helm Chart:
      • Github
      • Gitlab
      • Bitbucket
      • Generic Git Provider
      • Custom Remote Source Repository
      • Google Cloud Storage
      • Amazon S3 Storage
      • Helm OCI Repository (ACR, ECR, GAR, Artifactory)
      • Helm HTTP Server Repository (Nexus, Artifactory)
      • Harness Local File Store
    • Artifact Repository for Container Images to deploy with Chart:
      • DockerHub
      • Amazon Elastic Container Registry
      • Google Container Registry
      • Azure Container Registry
      • Custom Artifact Source
      • Google Artifact Registry
      • Github Package Registry
      • Nexus 3 (Sonatype 3.50.0 and previous supported)
      • Artifactory


Helm chart dependencies are not supported in Git source repositories. Helm chart dependencies are supported in Helm Chart Repositories.

Amazon ECS
  • Overview:
  • Supported connectors for deployment:
  • AWS Cloud Connector
    • IRSA
    • Access Key and Secret Key
    • IAM Role
    • GovCloud Support
  • Supported platforms for deployment:
    • AWS Cloud, any region
    • AWS - Launch Types:
      • Amazon ECS - EC2 - Generally Provisioned Instances
      • Amazon ECS - EC2 - Spot Backed Instances
      • Amazon ECS - Fargate
  • Versions and tooling support:
    • AWS SDK
  • Supported integrations:
    • ECS Service Discovery - Supported via Service Definition
    • ECS Circuit Breaker - Supported via Service Definition
    • Artifact Repository:
      • DockerHub
      • Amazon Elastic Container Registry
      • Azure Container Registry
      • Custom Artifact Source
      • Github Package Registry
      • Nexus 3 (Sonatype 3.50.0 and previous supported)
      • Artifactory
Amazon AMI/ASG
  • Overview:
  • Supported connectors for deployment:
    • AWS cloud connector
      • IRSA
      • Access Key and Secret Key
      • IAM Role
      • GovCloud Support
  • Supported platforms for deployment:
    • AWS cloud, any region
  • Versions and tooling support:
    • AWS SDK
AWS Lambda
  • Overview:
  • Supported connectors for deployment:
    • AWS Cloud Connector
      • IRSA
      • Access Key and Secret Key
      • IAM Role
      • GovCloud supported
  • Supported platforms for deployment:
    • AWS cloud, any region
  • Versions and tooling support:
    • AWS SDK
  • Supported integrations:
    • Artifact Repository Supported to Deploy with Function Definition:
      • Amazon Elastic Container Registry
      • Amazon S3
  • Overview:
  • Supported connectors for deployment:
    • AWS cloud connector
      • Access key and secret key
  • Supported platforms for deployment:
    • AWS cloud, any region
  • Versions and tooling support:
    • AWS SDK
    • Harness supports standard SAM templates.
  • Supported integrations:
    • All Git providers are supported for SAM templates.
    • Currently, you cannot add artifacts to your Harness SAM service.
Traditional: WinRM
  • Overview:
  • Supported connectors for deployment:
    • AWS Cloud Connector
      • IRSA
      • Access Key and Secret Key
      • IAM Role
      • GovCloud Support
    • Azure Cloud Connector (AKS Authentication)
      • Subscription Id
      • Principal and Service Account
      • GovCloud Support
  • Supported platforms for deployment:
    • AWS Cloud
    • Azure Cloud
    • Physical Datacenter
Traditional: SSH
  • Overview:
  • Supported connectors for deployment:
    • AWS Cloud Connector
      • IRSA
      • Access Key and Secret Key
      • IAM Role
      • GovCloud Support
    • Azure Cloud Connector (AKS Authentication)
      • Subscription Id
      • Principal and Service Account
      • GovCloud Support
  • Supported platforms for deployment:
    • AWS Cloud
    • Azure Cloud
    • Physical Datacenter
  • Linux SSH Setups
    • Ubuntu Version 22+
    • RHEL9 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9)
    • SSH libraries supported:
      • SSHJ: used in our HashiCorp Vault SSH integrations.
      • JSCH: used in our SSH deployment types.
      • To see the hostkey formats for these libraries, go to the SSH implementation comparison.
  • Limitations:
    • Google Compute Engine (Virtual Machine Targets)
      • Limited Support, Harness can connect to Google VMs via an SSH Key, not via Google Cloud Authentication
Tanzu Application Service (formerly Pivotal Cloud Foundry)
  • Overview:
  • Supported connectors for deployment:
    • Tanzu Connector
      • Endpoint URL, Username and Password
  • Supported platforms for deployment:
    • On Premise Cloud Foundry Installations
    • VMware Tanzu Platform
  • Versions and tooling support:
    • Binary Versions:
      • CF CLI v7
Google Functions
  • Overview:
  • Supported connectors for deployment:
    • Google Cloud Connector
    • Service Account
  • Supported platforms for deployment:
    • Google Cloud, any region
  • Versions and tooling support:
    • Google SDK. Supported versions:
      • Google Functions Gen 1
      • Google Functions Gen 2
  • Deployment strategies:
    • Google Functions Gen 1: Basic.
    • Google Functions Gen 2: Basic, blue green, canary.
  • Supported integrations:
    • Artifact Repository:
      • Google Cloud Storage
      • Google Cloud Storage and Google Cloud Source (Gen 1 Only)
Spot Instances
  • Overview:
  • Supported connectors for deployment:
    • Spot Connector
      • AccountID + API Token
  • Supported platforms for deployment:
    • AWS cloud, any region
  • Limitations:
    • Deployment Behavior:
      • Incremental Traffic Shifting for SpotInst Deployment is not supported
      • VM-based Deployments are supported via Elastigroup configuration Framework
  • Overview:
  • Supported connectors for deployment:
    • AWS Cloud Connector
      • IRSA
      • Access Key and Secret Key
      • IAM Role
  • Supported platforms for deployment:
    • AWS cloud, any region
  • Versions and tooling support:
    • Supported Binary Versions:
      • 1.x
      • 2.x
      • 3.x
  • Limitations:
    • Deployment Behavior:
      • Harness only supports AWS Lambda Functions to be deployed via Framework
      • Harness builds and deploys Lambda Functions> You cannot split up the tasks to build functions and deploy functions separately as part of Harness support.
    • Not supported application types:
      • Google Functions
      • Azure Functions
    • 1.x (limited support). Not all capabilities supported.
    • Basic deployment supported. No out-of-the-box canary and blue green deployment supported.
  • Supported integrations:
    • plugins:
      • Harness supports all the plugins. Please make sure they are compatible with the version of you are using.
    • Artifact Repository:
      • DockerHub
      • Amazon Elastic Container Registry
      • Artifactory
      • Amazon S3
Azure WebApps
  • Overview:
  • Supported connectors for deployment:
    • Azure Cloud Connector (AKS Authentication)
      • Subscription Id
      • Principal and Service Account
      • GovCloud Support
  • Supported platforms for deployment:
    • Azure cloud, any Region
  • Versions and tooling support:
    • Azure SDK
Builds in CD

Continuous Integration (CI) can be performed in Harness using the module and CI pipelines.

If you are using Harness Continuous Delivery (CD) but not Harness Continuous Integration (CI), you can still perform CI using the Jenkins step in your CD stage.

Harness integrates with Jenkins, enabling you to run Jenkins jobs and dynamically capture inputs and outputs from the jobs.

Harness has been tested with the following versions of Jenkins:


Harness GitOps lets you perform GitOps deployments in Harness. You define the desired state of the service you want to deploy in your Git manifest, and then use Harness GitOps to sync state with your live Kubernetes cluster.

GitOps supports the following:

  • Argo CD version supported: 2.8.2.
  • Source Repositories:
    • All Git providers.
    • HTTP Helm repos.
  • Target clusters:
    • Kubernetes clusters hosted on any platform:
      • GKE.
      • AKS.
      • EKS.
      • Other Kubernetes-compliant clusters.
      • OpenShift version 3.11, 4.x.
      • Minikube.
      • Kubernetes Operations (kops).
  • Repository Certificates:
    • TLS Certificate (PEM format).
    • SSH Known Host Entry.
  • GnuPG Keys:
    • GnuPG Public Key Data (ASCII-armored).
  • Limitations:
    • Self-hosted environments
      • Agents installed in custom namespaces are not yet supported.
Local (Harness Community Edition)

Harness CD Community Edition is a lightweight version of Harness that you can download and run on your laptop or any VM.

Harness CD Community Edition is intended to get devs started with Harness quickly without having to sign up for a Harness SaaS account.


For non-native deployments, Harness provides a custom deployment option using Deployment Templates.


  • AWS and Azure GovCloud: Harness is now certified in Azure GovCloud and AWS GovCloud.

Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition (SMP) including offline Environments

All CD features supported in Harness SaaS are also supported in Self-Managed Enterprise Edition with the following exceptions:

  • Dashboards: Harness CD Dashboards might not be completely functional with a bundled Timescale community edition version installation.
  • Triggers: The feature flag CD_GIT_WEBHOOK_POLLING must be enabled for Github polling with two factor authentication. For more information, go to Polling frequency.
  • ServiceNow: ServiceNow versions Utah and earlier are supported.
  • Jira: Jira on-premise versions < 9.0 are supported. To support Jira on-premise >= 9.0, the feature flag SPG_USE_NEW_METADATA must be enabled.
  • Policy as Code: Harness Git Experience support for OPA policies is not supported in Self-Managed Enterprise Edition.
  • Harness AI Development Assistant (AIDA): To support AIDA in Self-Managed Enterprise Edition running in an offline environment, you must add to your allowlist.

Active CD Feature flags

Some Harness CD features are released behind feature flags to get feedback from specific customers before releasing the features to the general audience. Feature development statuses are categorized as Beta, GA, or Limited GA.

The following table describes active feature flags relevant to Harness CD.

To enable a feature flag in your Harness account, contact Harness Support.

CDS_HELM_STEADY_STATE_CHECK_1_16Allow users leveraging Kubernetes version 1.16 or later to perform steady state check for Helm deployments. This feature is in Limited GA.
OPA_PIPELINE_GOVERNANCEEnables Policy as Code for a Harness account.This feature is GA.
CDS_HELM_VERSION_3_8_0Sets the default version of Helm to 3.8 when using the Harness Helm delegate. This feature in in Limited GA.
NG_PIPELINE_TEMPLATEEnables Harness templates.. This feature is Limited GA.
OPA_GIT_GOVERNANCEStore and fetch your OPA policies in Git.. This feature is Limited GA.
NG_CUSTOM_STAGEEnables the Custom stage for use in a pipeline. This feature is GA.
NG_GIT_EXPERIENCEEnables Harness Git Experience for a Harness account. Users can manage their Pipeline, Templates, Input Sets, Feature Flags via Git. This feature is GA.
CDP_USE_OLD_GIT_SYNCEnables the previous, deprecated version of Git Experience. This flag is only enabled for customers who have not migrated over to Harness Git Experience.
CDS_DISABLE_HELM_REPO_YAML_CACHEDisables Helm repository caching on the Harness Delegate. This should only be enabled if users are experiencing failures with Harness Delegate failing to fetch Helm Charts. Caching could be the source of the issue. This Feature is in Beta.
CD_GIT_WEBHOOK_POLLINGEnables configurable polling for GitHub Webhooks This allows users to set polling interval for Harness Delegate to poll your GitHub instance. This feature is in Limited GA.
CDS_DISABLE_WINRM_COMMAND_ENCODING_NGPrevents the encoding of WinRM commands. By default Harness encodes the winrm commands we run on hosts. User's can disable this behavior via this feature flag. This feature is in Limited GA.
CDS_TERRAFORM_S3_SUPPORTEnables AWS S3 for Terraform plan storage. This feature flag is Limited GA.
CDP_USE_K8S_DECLARATIVE_ROLLBACKEnables the declarative rollback behavior for services. This feature is in Beta.
CDS_K8S_SOCKET_CAPABILITY_CHECK_NGReplaces the HTTP capability check for the Kubernetes connector with socket capability. This feature is in Beta.
PIE_GET_FILE_CONTENT_ONLYOptimizes the execution flow to fetch only file content for remote entities.
CDS_SERVICE_CONFIG_LAST_STEPAllows users on the last step of manifest/artifact/config files, if these configs are in edit mode. This feature is in Limited GA.
PIE_USE_SECRET_FUNCTOR_WITH_RBACPerforms RBAC check on secrets when used in pipeline execution. This feature is in Beta.
CDS_GIT_CONFIG_FILESEnables config files to be managed in Git .
PIE_GITX_OAUTHUses users' OAuth credentials to fetch and commit in Git. This feature is in Limited GA.
PIE_MULTISELECT_AND_COMMA_IN_ALLOWED_VALUESEnables the ability to choose multiple values from a list of allowed values .
CDS_ARTIFACTS_PRIMARY_IDENTIFIERAllows you to change the expression value for the primary artifact identifier. This feature is in Beta.

PDB and HPA tracking

as managed resources by Harness.This feature is in Limited GA.
CDS_SSH_SSHJEnables a library upgrade for SSH Deployments to use newer algorithms of SSH to connect to hosts. All Delegates on 803xx Release will have the new upgraded library. This feature is Limited GA.
CDS_SSH_CLIENTEnables a library upgrade for SSH Deployments to use newer algorithms of SSH to connect to hosts. All Delegates on 803xx Release will have the new upgraded library. This feature is Limited GA
CD_TRIGGER_CATALOG_API_ENABLEDFetches the list of Trigger options by an API call instead of from the UI.
CDS_SERVICE_OVERRIDES_2_0Enables overrides v2 experience. This feature is in Beta .
CDS_TEMPLATE_ERROR_HANDLINGAdds enhanced error handling for templates by schema validation errors. This feature is in Limited GA.
CDS_HELM_STEADY_STATE_CHECK_1_16_V2_NGEnables steady state check for Helm deployments on Kubernetes clusters using 1.16 or higher. This feature is in Beta.
CDS_AZURE_WEBAPP_LISTING_APP_NAMES_AND_SLOTSEnables users to select Azure WebApps in a drop down for slot deployments. This feature is in Limited GA.
CDS_RESOLVE_OBJECTS_VIA_JSON_SELECTSupport resolution of objects via the JSON Select Command in the HTTP step. This feature is in Beta.
CDS_SUPPORT_EXPRESSION_REMOTE _TERRAFORM_VAR_FILES_NGEnables Harness expressions in remote Terraform var files. This feature is in Beta.
CDS_ENABLE_LOAD_FROM_CACHE_FOR_RETRY_FORMEnables a load from cache option on pipeline execution retry form. This feature is in Beta.
CDS_ENV_PROPAGATIONEnables environment propagation across CD stages. This feature is in Limited GA.
CDS_RECONFIGURE_JIRA_APPROVAL_TIMEOUTReduces timeout for Jira from 5 minutes to 1 minute and allows pausing of approval. This feature is in Beta.
CDS_NG_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_FOR_CUSTOM_WEBHOOKMakes authenticated custom Webhook calls use the service principal instead of the principal inherited from the API key. This feature is in Beta.
CD_MAKE_CD_LICENSE_USAGE_ASYNCEnables CD License Usage dashboards to be asynchronous. This feature is in Beta.
CDS_ENABLE_SHELL_SCRIPT_FILE_REFERENCEEnables the Shell Script step to support scripts from Harness File Store. This feature is in Beta.
CDS_DISABLE_EVALUATE_EXPORT_VARIABLESEnables exporting variables without evaluating them in the Command step. This feature is in Beta.
CD_CONTAINER_STEP_DELEGATE_SELECTORMakes the Container step to respect the delegate selector configured at the pipeline. This feature is in Beta.
CDS_REMOVE_TIME_BUCKET_GAPFILL_QUERYRemoves the usage of time bucket gapfill from CD. This feature is in Beta.
CDS_TERRAGRUNT_USE_UNIQUE _DIRECTORY_BASE_DIR_NGEnables a unique directory to support Terragrunt run-in-parallel. This feature is in Beta.
OPA_AIDA_WIDGETEnables AIDA for OPA. This feature is in Beta.
PIE_SIMPLIFY_LOG_BASE_KEYReduces the length of the log base key. This feature is in Beta.
This feature requires delegate version 23.10.81010 or later.
After enabling this feature flag, you must re-run your pipelines to apply the change.
For more information, go to Download execution logs.
PIE_ASYNC_FILTER_CREATIONSets pipeline CRUD calls to filter creation asynchronously. This feature is in Beta.
CDS_AWS_OIDC_AUTHENTICATIONEnables the option to connect to AWS with OIDC. Currently, this option is only supported for Kubernetes, Helm, Terraform, ECS, and Cloudformation. This is a Beta feature.
CV_NEWRELIC_NEW_APIEnable this feature if you want to use the NerdGraph API for the NewRelic Health Source. This is a Beta feature.
CDS_K8S_TRAFFIC_ROUTING_NGEnable this feature if you want to use traffic shifting as a part of your pipeline. Also enables traffic shifting as configuration for the kubernetes B/G Deploy Step as well as the Canary Deploy Step. This is a Beta feature.
CDS_CONTAINER_STEP_GROUP_RUN_AS_USER_AND_PRIVILEGED_FIXEnable this feature if you want updated logic for permissions inheritance between steps and their step groups. To learn more go to Step Group Inheritance Logic This is a Beta feature.
CV_MONITORED_SERVICE_TEMPLATIZATIONEnable this feature if you want to select a monitored service template as a runtime input. To learn more go to Select a monitored service template during runtime This is a Beta feature.