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What's supported by Harness SSCA

This document outlines the platforms, features, and integrations supported by Harness SSCA. The Software Supply Chain Assurance (SSCA) module is available on the following platforms:

SSCA on Harness SaaS

SSCA on Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition (SMP)

Connected Environment

All features of 'SSCA on Harness SaaS' are available in an SMP environment, with the following exceptions:

  • Creating a Remediation tracker will require manually adding the CVE details as auto-population is linked with STO module. However, if you are using Harness STO SMP, this limitation does not apply.
  • Achieving SLSA Level 3 compliance is not possible in SMP, as it requires Harness hosted build infrastructure. This capability is available through 'SSCA on Harness SaaS'.

Air-gapped Environment

All features of 'SSCA on Harness SaaS' are available in an air-gapped or offline environment, with the following exceptions:

  • In the generated SBOMs, the license data for certain dependencies will be marked as "NOASSERTION", leading to a reduced SBOM quality score. However, this does not impact the SBOM generation or any other features of SBOM Orchestration.
  • Logging the attestation record in the Sigstore public Rekor will not be performed during the SBOM and SLSA Provenance attestation process, but this will not impact the attestation itself.
  • Creating a Remediation tracker will require manually adding the CVE details as auto-population is linked with STO module. However, if you are using Harness STO SMP, this limitation does not apply.
  • Achieving SLSA Level 3 compliance is not possible in SMP, as it requires Harness hosted build infrastructure. This capability is available through 'SSCA on Harness SaaS'.


Code Repositories

  • Harness Code Repository

The following code repository providers are integrated using 3rd party Git Connectors:

  • GitHub
  • GitLab
  • BitBucket
  • Azure Code Repos

CI/CD Pipelines

  • Harness CI - as native steps in Harness Pipeline's Build Stage
  • Harness CD & GitOps - as native steps in Harness Pipeline's Deploy Stage
  • SSCA steps are also available in Harness Pipeline's Security stage

The following CI/CD pipeline providers are integrated using Pipeline Triggers.

  • GitHub
  • GitLab
  • BitBucket
  • Azure Code Repos

Artifact Repositories

  • Docker Hub
  • GCR
  • Amazon ECR
  • Microsoft ACR

SBOM Generation Tools

SBOM Formats

  • SPDX
  • CycloneDX

SLSA Build Level

You can achieve SLSA Build Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 using Harness SSCA. Refer to SLSA Overview

Attestation/Provenance Generation & Verification Tools

Policy Enforcement Attributes

  • Component name
  • Component version
  • License
  • Supplier
  • PURL

For information about what's supported for other Harness modules and the Harness Platform overall, go to Supported platforms and technologies.