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Integrations FAQs

This article addresses some frequently asked questions about integrations enabled by Harness.

What is PIE_GITX_OAUTH, and how does it relate to OAuth with Git in Harness?

PIE_GITX_OAUTH is a feature that enables OAuth integration with Git in Harness. When it's enabled, OAuth credentials are used for interactions with Git repositories.

Can I switch between OAuth and connector credentials for Git operations in Harness?

Yes to same some extend, you can switch between OAuth and connector credentials. If OAuth is set and you wish to use connector credentials, you can delete the OAuth configuration, and Harness will prompt you to use the connector's credentials while performing git actions. For more info check - Documentation

What could be the possible issue for not able create a SNOW ticket from a template ?

One can check for below possibilities :

  • Is the Harness app installed in the servicenow instance used by this connector. Please refer here for Reference

  • Is the permissions for the integrated user include x_harne_harness_ap.integration_user_role. Please refer here for Reference

What is the feature flag for the bi-directional GitSync ?

One can enable the Feature-Flag PIE_GIT_BI_DIRECTIONAL_SYNC to fetch the feature. Please read more on All Continuous Delivery FFs in this Documentation

How many versions of Terraform does Harness support ?

Harness supports the following Terraform versions: v1.3.5, v1.1.9, v1.0.0, v0.15.5, v0.15.0 and v0.14.0 Please read more on this in the following Documentation

Can we connect to a Databricks cluster ?

No, We do not have a native integration. If one is using terraform, they need to define the access block by following the Terraform Docs Wherever the delegate is hosted it needs network access to reach out and communicate to databricks.

How to use the Opsgenie plugin and integration with Harness to create new alerts based on testcase health?

We do have different built-in notification mechanisms, slack/email/ms teams/pager duty or custom, but if you want to integrate opsgenie, you have to create a shell script and make a call to opsgenie utilizing the api exposed by opsgenie to use for alert purposes.

Is there a way to create a github repository tag in Harness ?

One can use curl commands to create tags via API for Github repository tags. Please read more on this in the following Documentation

What does exit status 1 mean

A harness pipeline returning exit status 1 typically signifies an error during execution, such as compilation/build failures, test errors, deployment issues, or integration problems. Diagnosing specific issues requires reviewing logs and error messages.

How can you seamlessly integrate Docker Compose for integration testing into your CI pipeline without starting from scratch?

Run services for integration in the background using a docker-compose.yaml file. Connect to these services via their listening ports. Alternatively, while running docker-compose up in CI with an existing docker-compose.yaml is possible, it can complicate the workflow and limit pipeline control, including the ability to execute each step, gather feedback, and implement failure strategies.

Does Harness support the use of OpenID Connect(OIDC) for connecting to various systems such as Amazon Web Services(AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP)?

Yes, we currently support OIDC integration for Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Additional support is coming soon, including facilitating authentication, short-lived token acquisition based on Harness context, and various operational tasks like deployment, builds, or secret retrieval within the respective cloud provider environments.

Does Harness support coverage testing in Python? Additionally, can coverage testing be used alongside split testing?

Yes, Harness supports code coverage testing alongside split testing in Python. Go to Code coverage in Harness CI and Split tests (parallelism) in Harness CI for more information.

Does Harness support integration with JIRA to use a ticket and its status as an approval gate for pipeline deployments across multiple environments?

Yes, it is possible to use a JIRA ticket as an approval gate for all environments in a Harness pipeline. The ticket's status or an update to a specific field can be used to control whether Harness allows the deployment to proceed to the next environment.

For more details, go to Adding Jira approval stages and steps.