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Early access features on Harness SEI

Some Harness SEI features are released behind feature flags to get feedback from a subset of customers before releasing the features to general availability.

You can opt-in to the early access (beta) features for Harness SEI described in the following table. Contact Harness Support to enable specific early access features in your Harness account. Include the feature flag or name with your request.

For more information about early access features, including early access features for the Harness Platform, delegate, and other Harness modules, go to Early access features.


To enable a feature flag in your Harness account, contact Harness Support. For the status of a feature flag, please note Beta, GA, Limited GA Feature Categorization in the descriptions below.

ServiceNow integration

  • Release date: May 2024
  • Issue number: SEI-6838
  • Feature flag: SEI_SERVICE_NOW
  • How to enable: Contact Harness Support

Integrate SEI with the ServiceNow Platform. This integration is still under development.

New Sprint Metrics

  • Release date: April 2024
  • Issue number: SEI-6066
  • Feature flag: SEI_SHOW_ALL_METRICS
  • How to enable: Contact Harness Support

Allows you to configure the Sprint Metrics Percentage Trend report using the new Sprint metrics.

Issue Backlog Trend Report (Display historical data for the current issues)

  • Release date: April 2024
  • Issue number: SEI-6369
  • How to enable: Contact Harness Support

Allows you to configure the Issue Backlog Trend report to display historical data for the current issues.

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Support for the Themes filter on the DORA profile

  • Release date: April 2024
  • Issue number: SEI-6442
  • Feature flag: SEI_THEME_BASED_DORA
  • How to enable: Contact Harness Support

Enables you to configure the DORA profile to establish a theme-based correlation between Pull Requests and Deployments.

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Use the PagerDuty integration to generate the DORA MTTR report

  • Release date: March 2024
  • Issue number: ECOE-118
  • How to enable: Contact Harness Support

Enables you to measure the incident recovery time using the DORA MTTR report for the PagerDuty integration.

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Rally integration

  • Release date: March 2024
  • Issue number: ECOE-3
  • Feature flag: RALLY
  • How to enable: Contact Harness Support

Enables access to the SEI Rally integration used for integrating SEI with the Rally Software.

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New Collection Navigation

  • Release date: March 2024
  • Issue number: (SEI-5203) (SEI-5690)
  • How to enable: Contact Harness Support

Enable this Feature Flag if you want to use the new user experience for Collection Navigation under the Insights.

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Trellis Factors

  • Release date: February 2024
  • Issue number: SEI-3728
  • How to enable: Contact Harness Support

Enables the Trellis Profile configuration using Trellis Factors at the Central Profile. This feature is in BETA.

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